This is a view from in front of our cottage in Mackinaw City. All the years of looking out at the water has helped to inspire us to
to explore more of our country's waterways.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Atlantic City to Manasquain NJ.

Since we intended on traveling the New Jersey Intercostals Waterway on Tuesday we needed to wait for a rising tide, so we left at 10 am. It was a rainy and windy day with waves on the Atlantic predicated to be greater than 4 feet, not a good day to travel on the Atlantic Ocean.   The ICW is more protected with less waves but it is very shallow.  At one point when we were well within the markers denotating the channel, we did in fact run aground.  Fortunately we were able to back off of the shallow spot and continue on.  I am very thankful that John always remains calm when things like this happen as I tend to get some what anxious.   It was as long day, and after 8 hours of rainy, foggy, shallow waters we were gratefully tied to our dock at Hoffman’s Marina.  We had spoken with Larry from the marina several times over the course of our day and he was very helpful with directions in regards to the bridges and the canal that we would be passing coming into Manasquan.  Larry’s son, Mike came down to the dock in the rain and helped us set the lines to  compensate for the 4 foot tides and fixed docks.

Gloomy Day

Depth finder reading...NOT GOOD



And More gloom.

Wednesday morning it was still rainy and waves were still predicated to be high so we rented a car for the day and did some errands around town.  I also found a place to get my hair done and they fit me in later in the day.  The area is filled with beautiful homes and we enjoyed them as we traveled through out the area.  We returned to Passport and decided to take on fuel as we were right next to the fuel dock, guess what...once we had filled the price was dropped.  Oh well, we were still under 4 dollars per gallon. Something to be thankful for. 

Why we did not leave.

There are hydranges everywhere!
We do neded to say that we have been pleasantly surprised by New Jersey, we were expecting it to be much more urbanized.  The areas we have seen have been quite nice with some fantasic houses.

The train station that goes to Penn Station in NYC is not far from the marina so we plan on returning the car and taking the train into the Big Apple on Thursday to explore.  

Mary & John

1 comment:

Kelly Crandall said...

Wow, that does look gloomy, gloomy, gloomy... Will give a call tomorrow, interested in hearing about your trip to the Big Apple. Happy Father's Day to the Captain!