This is a view from in front of our cottage in Mackinaw City. All the years of looking out at the water has helped to inspire us to
to explore more of our country's waterways.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Green Turtle Bay

Today is Friday and we have truly enjoyed our leisure time here.   We are at slip #1 which is right next to the gas dock and shower / laundry building.  Lots of activity to watch.  We have the courtesy car reserved for 4:00 pm today to go into Paducha to run some errands.  The plus side of getting the car so late is that instead of  having the car for only 2 hours we don't have to return it until morning.  So we will most likely have dinner in down town Paducha.

We spent the better part of Monday giving the boat a thorough cleaning and Mary got  caught up on all the laundry.  There was a very large Looper get together later that evening, it seems that the only ones here at the marina are Loopers.  It was nice to meet the other Loopers, some we have met before and others for the first time.

There is a large ships store, that also has a clothing section,  we have left a few dollars at both sections.  While Mary had her toes done at the spa, John changed the Racor fuel filter and was able to stop a small leak by the rudder.  He also tightened the packing on the rudder post and propeller shaft.

The Yacht Club.

Views of Green Turtle Harbor
Tuesday evening we went out to Patti's Settlement, a restaurant  know for their 2 inch pork chops.  John said it was very good.  We all enjoyed their home made pie as well.   Definitely need to get on the bikes a little more than we have been doing.  It's just so hilly around these parts.

We thought Kate and Izzy would like the color of the tractor.

Farmer Mary.

We gave the dinghy a good cleaning and have taken it out for a few trips around the marina.  Yesterday we took it through the canal and into Kentucky Lake.

Sail boat now used as a flower pot

Sunset at Green Turtle

Saturday we have tickets to Badgett Playhouse to see a variety show, we have heard good reviews . Hope its good.   We'll let you know.

" Y' all have a nice weekend "

Mary and John


Kelly Crandall said...

Don has brought it to my attention that my posts are not posting!! Opps, let's see if I can get this to go...

Christy said...

LOVE the pink tractor. I will be showing it to Kate first thing in the morning when she gets up!