This is a view from in front of our cottage in Mackinaw City. All the years of looking out at the water has helped to inspire us to
to explore more of our country's waterways.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Back in the USA

We made our crossing back to the US yesterday along with Brown Eyed Girl and Something Special.  The crossing went well no chop just swells.  The swells got a bit confused at the apex of the Gulf Stream, which was about 16 miles of the Florida coast.  Overall a much better crossing than the one to the Bahamas.  The color of the water was the deepest indigo you will ever see.  There were lots of boats both coming and going.  We even heard from Rich on Salt and Sand along the way.  Him and Carol are staying here at the same marina in North Palm Beach. 

Sunrise as we were leaving the Bahamas at West End

Ships that we saw in the distance on the way across.

Cruise ship  Celebration with Browed Eyed Girl passing as we came into Lake Worth

Mega Yacht ICE, one of the 10 largest private yachts in the world

We arrived at 2:30pm which gave us until 4:00pm to report in person to customs at the cruise ship terminal.  If we didn’t get there by 4:00pm we would have to take a $100 plus cab ride out to the airport.  As it was the cab ride was $60 but all six of us went and split it 3 ways.  The process is you call an 800 number with all your information and then are told to report in person within 24 hours.  What a joke, the agent took all six of our passports and the check in numbers we were given went in back room and came back in 5 minutes, handed back the passports and said we were done.  Never even looked to see if we matched the passports. 

After cleaning most of the salt off the boat (not sure if we will ever get it all off)  we got together with everyone including Rich and Carol for docktails.  The six of us then walked up to a shopping area to look for a place for dinner.  We found a fabulous Italian restaurant, La Scaletta with a young chef from Italy who comes out every 20 minutes or so and sings a song in Italian.  Very unique plus the food was excellent and reasonably priced.

The ICW was quite busy and we all agreed we don’t want to travel on it on the weekends.  So we will be here until Monday and then begin our journey up North. 

It was a great trip to the Bahamas but is  also good to be back and headed north towards Mackinaw.  Catch up with you all soon.


Mary & John

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